There are few more polarizing figures in the WWE currently than Ryback. Some love his immense strength and intensity, while others consider him to be just another big meathead from the same mold as past failures like Brakkus or Mason Ryan.
Whatever the case, there is no question that Ryback has a ton of momentum right now and he will continue to be utilized at least twice a week for the foreseeable future. Rather than constantly having him squashing local enhancement talent or low-card WWE guys, though, it's about time that Ryback becomes involved in something substantial.
Here is a breakdown of the best possible feuds for Ryback as he tries to get over as a legitimate WWE superstar.

Big Show
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If the idea is to make Ryback seem credible rather than just some guy who squashes scrubs, then the Big Show would be a perfect first feud for him. I'm not the biggest fan of Big Show and I do find him boring to some degree, but he has been a fixture in the business since 1995, he's a respected veteran who all the fans have connected to at one point or another and, most importantly, he's huge.
Ryback getting two guys up with his finishing move at the same time was impressive, but doing the same thing to a man who stands seven feet tall and weighs in excess of 400 lbs. would be the stuff of legend.
Feuding with and going over Big Show would accomplish two things at once as Ryback would be beating his first credible opponent and he would be beating a guy who meets and exceeds him physically.
Since Big Show is no longer in the WWE Championship scene and didn't even appear on RAW this week, he clearly has nothing much going on. He is at the point of his career where he doesn't need to be main eventing or winning titles. Big Show is an experienced guy who should be helping up-and-comers get over, so Big Show vs. Ryback makes perfect sense.


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The WWE may have something planned for Big Show and may not be ready to feed him to Ryback just yet, and I would certainly understand that. If that is in fact the case, then Tensai would be a really nice option as well.
Tensai came into the WWE with a bang as he scored wins over John Cena and CM Punk, but his momentum was eventually halted and he has now degenerated to the point where he hasn't appeared on television for a couple weeks.
Tensai is nowhere near Big Show in terms of credibility since he has been thrown onto the scrap heap, but he can be a menacing force and would look like a bit of a threat to Ryback. Tensai had a great match with Sheamus several weeks ago, and even though his push had ended by that point, his fighting style and size made him a worthy challenger to The Great White.
The same could be said if he were to face Ryback. Even though Jack Swagger and Jinder Mahal are big in their own right, Ryback needs to take on a super heavyweight like Tensai in order to seem like the real deal. This feud would give Tensai purpose, it would give Ryback someone of substance to face and it wouldn't end up burying anyone of importance.

Mark Henry
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Of all the possibilities listed, I feel as though a Ryback vs. Mark Henry feud would be the best of the bunch. Henry was awesome prior to his injury and figures to be back some time in the near future. Not only was Henry a dominant force that steamrolled through essentially everyone in the company, but he was also highly entertaining on the mic, so he could pose a physical threat to Ryback and help carry him through promos.
The only issue with this, however, is the fact that I would like to see Henry back in the main-event scene upon his return. Henry wasn't being used particularly well before he left to have surgery, though, so I'm not exactly sure what the WWE's plans are for him. If he isn't poised to be in the world title picture, then a feud with Ryback would probably be the next best thing.
I would have The World's Strongest Man get the better of Ryback several times and create some real doubt with regards to whether Ryback can actually beat him. Nobody wants to see a dominant force who never faces any adversity, so putting Ryback in this type of situation would humanize him and get him even more fan support. It isn't easy to establish a wrestler with just one win, but I feel like Henry would help Ryback solidify himself in a big way.