Yesterday afternoon, published an article breaking the news that John Cena had undergone a surgery to remove several pieces of bone cartilage from his elbow.
Describing the procedure as "straight-forward" (citing a certain Dr. Andrews), the article went on to state that Cena was "expected to recover in two to three weeks." In an interesting development however, it turns out that much of the information posted in the original piece may not have been fact-checked and that Cena may in fact be out for a minimum of six weeks. is famous for taking real stories and spinning them to satisfy storylines or making up news stories all together, but unlike most of the semi-fictional news stories published on the site, this one ended up infuriating the article's subject.
Armed by his Twitter account, John Cena began a tirade against the inaccuracies posted on the detailing his recovery.
Cena began his online rant, by calling the author of the article a "jackwagon." The factual errors in the article also prompted Cena to question the credibility of the website—comparing it to the satire news organization The Onion.
Dissatisfied with the errors, Cena challenged the WWE web team to "get [their] monkey frankin facts straight!"
He would go on to clarify that his recovery time would not be 14 days—as originally stated by the piece—but rather six weeks.
Cena's tweets also imply that WWE officials never contacted John Cena's surgeon Dr. James Andrews—despite the fact that the article claimed they had.
In reaction to John Cena's tweets, the article was updated, correcting the previously made claim that Cena would be returning from injury in as little as two weeks: "In speaking to Dr. Andrews after the procedure, in light of the amount of work that needed to be done and the number of bone chips removed, the prognosis for recovery is closer to six to eight weeks."

The article's reasoning for the error posted on the original article was that "the information published about John Cena's recovery was given to prior to surgery."
In the end the entire story still remains shrouded in mystery—effectively becoming a case of "he said, she said."
Of note however, is the idea that John Cena himself could be doing a work on his fans, using the six-to-eight weeks time table as both a period of rest and as a means to build-up anticipation towards his eventual rematch against CM Punk at the Hell in a Cell pay-per-view in October.
Could John Cena be pulling a fast one on everyone? Or is the case simple and, in fact, someone down at the WWE headquarters made a mistake?