Monday 3 September 2012

WWE Raw: Complete Preview, Rumors, News and More for September 3

08:07 By Unknown

Hi-res-144039599_crop_exact David Banks/Getty Images
After a much-improved three-hour edition of WWE’s Raw last week, the company will have to try to ride that momentum into this week’s show.

Will WWE pull a huge surprise out for Punk's hometown?

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Lucky for the WWE brass, Raw is live from Chicago Monday night—that is CM Punk’s hometown. With a full-fledged heel turn in progress, the company faces a very unique situation. As much as they like letting stars lose in their hometowns, this would be the perfect time for Punk to cement his turn by trashing his own city.
Whether Punk would actually agree to that is a different story, though.

Where: Allstate Arena, Chicago, IL
When: Monday, Sep. 3 at 8 p.m. ET
Watch: USA Network

CM Punk Goes Heel
After his beatdown on Jerry Lawler, any shred of doubt that CM Punk was a heel now was destroyed with a Rock Bottom and an Anaconda Vise. Now the WWE has to further the story and convince Chicago that Punk is bad.
Question on Everybody's Mind: Will Chicago Turn on Punk?
No matter what Punk does, the crowd will try to be on his side because he is the hometown boy. If Punk wants to keep the charade going, he must get the crowd Monday to turn on him by any means necessary.

Hype Meter: 5 out of 5 Show-Stopping Segments
Every time Punk is on my television screen, it is the most interesting part of the night. Add in the fact that this show will have major fireworks because of its location, and we could see the birth of a new evil Punk. We’d all like that.

Rumor Mill
Something big to happen on Raw? (

Kane and Bryan’s Anger Collages
After their first week in anger management class was such a hit, the WWE has decided to go back to the well and do more with these skits. As a fan of this segment, this is a very good thing.
Question on Everybody's Mind: Will Part 2 Be as Funny?
After the thought that this segment would be terrible, Kane and Daniel Bryan stole the show with this sketch, and WWE bringing it back again is a no-brainer. As long as they keep it simple and not try to do too much, it will be hilarious again.

Hype Meter: 4 out of 5 Attitude-Era Segments
From the talk of Katie Vick to Paul Bearer and Pete Rose, Kane was amazing in this segment and proved once again why he is one of the WWE’s best stars. Bryan was always good in the ring, but these segments have opened up so many more doors for the star.

Rumor Mill
WWE Reportedly Suspends Diva ( via WrestleZone)

AJ Lee vs. Vickie Guerrero
While some fans in the WWE Universe will talk bad about what AJ Lee has become since taking over the general manager role, she has been so much better than Teddy Long, John Laurinaitis or the other goofs the company had over the years. Now Vickie Guerrero has a problem.
Question on Everybody's Mind: Will Guerrero Try to Get AJ Fired?
Of course. Vickie is a heel who wants to be in charge and will do everything to try to take AJ out of power. Thank goodness for WWE fans that the company loves what the self-professed geek is doing, so she isn’t going anywhere.

Hype Meter: 3 out of 5 Cat Fights
In all honesty, Guerrero is a very effective heel and AJ has become a reliable face GM that has handled the role as well as the WWE could have ever hoped. Pitting them against each other will be the closest thing to a women’s division feud wrestling fans could expect from the WWE.


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