When someone like Ezekiel Jackson or Yoshi Tatsu is left off of an episode of Raw or SmackDown, we shouldn't be the least bit surprised.
Those guys hardly ever appear on TV anyway, so it’s just more of the same when another week goes by and we don’t see then.
But every once in a while, a major WWE superstar disappears from TV and leaves us wondering just what is going on.
That’s exactly what’s happened with Christian.
Captain Charisma returned to the WWE after a lengthy hiatus (because of a severe ankle injury) back in May at Over the Limit, won the Intercontinental Championship and looked poised to become a mainstay in the upper midcard.
But after a short feud with Cody Rhodes, Christian dropped the Intercontinental title to The Miz on Raw 1000, immediately lost his rematch and has done nothing but lose since then.
In fact, I’m having a hard time remembering the last time Christian won a match. Better yet, I can’t recall the last time I even saw him on TV.
Wait, I think I can.
After some research, I discovered that Christian’s last TV appearance came on the August 13th Raw, when he jobbed to Sheamus in a short match in which he took the clean pin.
Christian’s incredible tumble down the card isn’t that surprising, given that he’s spent a large part of his career being overlooked and underrated.
But that doesn’t mean that the recent treatment of Christian is warranted. In fact, he deserves much better than what he’s been getting as of late.
Just look at what Christian has done during what should undoubtedly be a Hall of Fame career.
He’s a nine-time World Tag Team Champion, a four-time Intercontinental Champion, a two-time World Heavyweight and ECW Champion and a one-time European, Hardcore and Light Heavyweight Champion.
Christian is, without a doubt, one of the most accomplished WWE stars currently on the main roster and actually has one of the most impressive WWE resumes. Yet, the WWE can’t come up with anything decent for him or at least get him on TV?
Now, I have no idea if there’s any backstage heat on Christian or if there’s more to his slide down the card that we just don’t know about, which some are reporting that there indeed is. But if Christian is just being wasted away for no explainable reason, that’s inexcusable on the WWE’s part.
Not only is he one of the company’s most accomplished stars, he has also proven to be one of its best and most consistent performers, especially over the last couple of years.
I mean, when is the last time that Christian actually had a bad match? I legitimately can’t think of one.
Whenever someone asks me to name my top five in-ring performers in the WWE, Christian usually slides in at No. 5 behind only the elite workers like CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Dolph Ziggler.
He’s put on so many fantastic matches in recent years, with everyone from The Miz to Ziggler to Sheamus to Rhodes.
And of course, we can’t forget about what he did with Orton in 2011.

Christian and Orton put on one of the most amazing series of matches in WWE history last year, facing each other more than five times for the World Heavyweight Championship and delivering the goods on each occasion. Along the way, they developed what I consider to be the best feud of the year as well.
While Vince McMahon may not view Christian as one of the biggest draws in pro wrestling (which he isn’t), the fact of the matter is that he proved last year to be one of the best all-around performers in the business.
He’s always great in the ring, he has a ton of charisma (hence the nickname) and is among the best talkers around.
I’m not saying that Christian, who’s nearing 40 years old, should be winning World titles and “stealing” the spotlight from the WWE’s up-and-coming stars. I just don’t understand how he can’t at least get on TV.
There are plenty of WWE stars with far less talent who are in a significantly better position on the card than Christian currently is in, and it’s simply difficult to comprehend.
Every WWE superstar should strive to be above average in all areas, and Christian has managed to do that for years now. His “reward,” however, is apparently an unexplained and rather lengthy absence from both Raw and SmackDown.
Who knows? This may all be part of a storyline that will bring Christian back to TV in the near future.
But given that the guy just disappeared from TV out of nowhere, it’s hard to believe that this isn’t simply another case of someone not being booked like they should be.