Wednesday 24 October 2012

Brock Lesnar's Rumored Return Would Salvage WWE's Poor Booking

09:02 By Unknown

Brock Lesnar's Rumored Return Would Salvage WWE's Poor Booking

WWE’s Hell in a Cell pay-per-view is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 28, and the rumors of former UFC and WWE champion Brock Lesnar making another return to the company has enveloped the wrestling world over the last few weeks.
With CM Punk squaring off with an unproven commodity like Ryback—in addition to the fact that a clean win for either man destroys the other’s current momentum—the return of Lesnar to convolute the ending may be the company’s only option.
The Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting via WrestleZone about the talk of Lesnar’s inclusion at Sunday’s PPV and the problems that it would cause:
One idea being heavily discussed is Brock Lesnar coming out and costing Ryback the match. This would cause some problems for the WWE, including another wasted date and Triple H's revenge on Lesnar being put on hold. Either way, WWE will most likely have to come up with multiple ideas in the next week to decide on which route to take.
As much as it may end up costing the company more money in the long haul, the WWE must seriously consider including Lesnar in this main event to save two of their biggest stars and the entire Hell in a Cell PPV.
Add in the publicity Lesnar would draw into the following night’s Raw as the company begins to transition to the build for Survivor Series, and a Lesnar return is much more feasible than many fans and experts expected.

How This Helps WWE
As much as the intrigue that currently surrounds a CM Punk versus Ryback WWE Title match in the Hell in a Cell structure is much higher than the company may have predicted, the exclusion of John Cena will be detrimental to the PPV buys.
Hell in a Cell 2012 will make less money than last year’s event.
While this is an educated risk on the WWE’s part—both allowing Cena to return to health for November’s Survivor Series and building a future top star in Ryback—there is something missing from this main event.
Punk can’t lose the WWE title because of the plans to put The Rock against the current WWE Champion at the Royal Rumble, but Ryback’s undefeated streak is one of the more alluring aspects of his character.
With the WWE backed into a corner, the perfect way to cloud the finish would be having Lesnar return to the company and interfere. The former MMA champion was rumored to be on the Survivor Series card anyway, so coming back to help Punk retain his title is the perfect scenario.
That would set up the groundwork for a five on five Survivor Series match and a possible heel stable.

Question on Everybody's Mind: Will Triple H put his ego aside for WWE’s betterment?
While Brock Lesnar’s inclusion in the main event will not only allow a tainted finish to a match that can’t end cleanly either way, but set up the build for one of WWE’s ‘Big-Four’ PPVs, there are serious questions about whether Triple H would allow this to happen.
We can’t forget that the reason Lesnar left the WWE again was because he finally achieved what he came to the WWE to accomplish; lose to Cena and beat Triple H at SummerSlam.
Or something like that.
Triple H is notorious for letting his personal beliefs get in the way of what is best for the company, and it wouldn’t surprise most fans if Triple H pulled the plug on a Lesnar return with the intent of having another installment of their personal feud.
Despite the fact that far more people in the WWE universe would like to see Lesnar return to be part of a possible heel stable with Heyman and Punk, Triple H is the man with the ultimate connection to the boss and can pull any string he’d like.
No matter how smart the decision to bring back Lesnar to interfere on Punk’s behalf would be, it still has to pass the Triple H test.

Merit Meter: 4 out of 5 ‘Heyman Guys’ Formations

Should Brock Lesnar return to form a heel stable with CM Punk and Paul Heyman?

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While there is no question that having Lesnar appear without any warning on a PPV won’t benefit the company financially Sunday night—aside from a few late buys or re-orders—the possibilities of just how big the news of the former WWE star returning and interfering in the match would be insane.
Twitter and the internet as a whole would blow up with excitement, and the rating for a Raw the following Monday that featured a Paul Heyman stable of CM Punk, Brock Lesnar and possibly even Big Show would be through the roof.
No matter when Lesnar returns, it will be a surprise to the WWE Universe. Why not allow Brock to fix the WWE’s problem of how to end the match and build for the next big show in the process?
Survivor Series is the perfect place to form a heel stable, and what better way to lead into the PPV than having Lesnar return and turn the WWE upside down.
That would certainly force the buy rates of the company’s huge November PPV through the roof.

Final Word
As much as the signs are pointing away from this happening—whether it be the financial agreement between WWE and Lesnar or Triple H’s Ego—having Brock return to ruin the ending of the Hell in a Cell main event is the definition of a win-win situation for the company.
On a strictly storyline level, Lesnar’s return would allow for an ending to the Hell in a Cell title match that benefits everyone. Not only can Punk retain the title, get the heel rub from Brock and continue his legacy, Ryback can lose the match and still come out looking strong.
Add in the fact that it starts a huge feud between Lesnar and Ryback, and it will be the former ‘next big thing’ putting over today’s ‘next big thing.’ The WWE could even add Triple H to the mix if the star’s head is too big to stay out of the spotlight.
As far as the financial implications go, Lesnar’s return will help the sagging numbers of Raw while adding hype to the huge Survivor Series PPV in November.
The WWE will not advertise Brock’s return if it was on Raw anyway, so the return at the PPV will cause the hype around his appearance on TV the following Monday to have ratings through the roof.
It’s all about the money for the WWE, and having Brock Lesnar return at Hell in a Cell means big money.



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