Over at his official Twitter account, John Cena has sprung to the defense of former Raw GM AJ Lee on Twitter, demanding that she be reinstated in her old role.
Per the storyline, AJ was forced to quit last night after the all-powerful Board of Directors confronted her with evidence that she was fraternizing with Cena outside of work.
Despite the protests of AJ and Cena, both of whom insisted their dinner date was "strictly business," the Board of Directors made it clear: AJ had to go. Such unprofessional behaviour is apparently frowned upon in WWE, you know.
(Funnily enough, the Grand Canyon-sized plot hole of how her replacement, Vickie Guerrero, was given the GM spot when she herself has flagrantly carried on numerous on-screen affairs over the years was not addressed at any point in the programme.)
Poor Cena was beside himself on Raw, blaming himself for her departure. This angle has apparently carried over to Twitter, where John is still insisting she be brought back.
It will be interesting to see how this current angles develops. There are a few questions: Are the pair really telling the truth when they claim things between them are purely platonic? Is there, in fact, a secret affair going on? Why do all these supposedly smart wrestlers keep taking romantic interest in a woman who is, let's face it, emotionally unstable and possibly insane?
More importantly: is this yet another convoluted Raw angle that will drive viewers away in their droves?
We'll have to wait and see.