JR & CM Punk's Segment From RAW, Steve Austin Speculation Starts Back Up, AJ Lee

- RAW General Manager AJ Lee is doing promotional work for the WWE '13 video game this week. - Jim Ross revealed on Twitter that his segment with CM Punk was the highest rated quarter-hour segment on Monday's RAW. He tweeted:
"#WWE Champ @CMPunk and my 'discussion' was highest rated QT hour on #RAW. I'm not asking anyone to pay for my damaged hat. Line of duty."
Ross also commented on his hat that Punk stomped on:
"The hat @CMPunk stomped on was a $700 custom made 100% beaver made at Shorty's Ka-Boy Hattery in OKC Stockyards, for those asking. #WWE"
- CM Punk bringing up Steve Austin on Monday's RAW has started the speculation about a match at WrestleMania 29 again. Sources insist that Austin will not be wrestling at WrestleMania 29 and if he's going to wrestle again, it would be at WrestleMania 30. The feeling is WrestleMania 29 will be built around The Rock and Brock Lesnar's special appearances and Austin won't return unless he's the top billed star.
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