Tuesday 9 October 2012

WWE CM Punk Punches Fan at the End of WWE Raw

07:46 By Unknown

WWE CM Punk Punches Fan at the End of WWE Raw

WWE champion CM Punk was involved in an altercation with a fan at the end of Monday Night Raw.
For those who didn't see it, Punk was supposed to have a match with Vince McMahon, but Punk attacked McMahon before it ever officially began. Ryback came out to the ring to help McMahon, so Punk went into the stands.
Punk started walking up the stairs turned around and was getting touched by some fans in the stands, which is not a surprise. If you have ever been to a wrestling event, you know that fans do all they can to get a handshake or something to that effect.
As Punk was standing on the stairs, a fan pushed him twice. He turned around the first time to fire the person a dirty look. The second time, Punk swung his right hand back and hit a fan right in the head before turning around to strike him again.
Aside from actually hitting a fan, you can see on the video that Punk actually hits the wrong person. The guy in the black T-shirt with his hands raised is the one who Punk goes after, but you can clearly see that there is a smaller guy who sneaks behind that guy and shoves Punk the second time.
Laura Cole of CBS 13 in Sacramento, where last night's show took place, talked to the fan who Punk attacked. He told Cole that he didn't hit Punk, and that he was filling out a police report.
None of that is to defend what Punk did. He made an incredibly stupid mistake, one that is likely going to end up costing him and WWE, both in money and public relations.
What the fan did was stupid, but Punk's actions were much worse. When you go into the stands, you know that you are entering hostile territory. Fans are going to do whatever they have to in order to get their hands on you. Some might even try to prove their toughness by standing up to a wrestler.
It is on the wrestler to show restraint, which really shouldn't be that hard. Plus, why was there no security around to clear a path for Punk?
This whole thing could have been avoided if WWE had just taken a few necessary precautions to make sure that fans had minimal interaction with Punk as he was leaving.
Now, WWE will have to go into full-blown damage control.


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