This year’s Night of Champions is just over a week away and for once the Divas match has already been announced and promoted for several weeks now.
Every sanctioned WWE title belt will be defended at the event, including the Divas title, but come September 16 will we actually get the advertised match with Layla and Kaitlyn?
Reports from indicate that it was a botched ending in the battle royal that lead to Kaitlyn becoming No. 1 contender, a position intended for Eve.
Since earning the title shot Kaitlyn has made more appearances on WWE’s main programs than usual, but has nevertheless taken a back seat to Eve.
In a face off between Layla and Kaitlyn it was Eve who would get the spotlight on Raw several weeks ago. This past episode of Raw saw Eve defeat Kaitlyn in a one-on-one match, destroying any momentum the challenger had heading into Night of Champions.
It’s apparent that the WWE wants Eve highlighted in the division, and coming off her victory on the reality show “Stars Earn Stripes” she is no doubt currently a media magnet. Giving the title to Eve would be a smart move.
However at Night of Champions will Layla and Kaitlyn actually get their match, or will Eve be in the picture? A lot could change.
Maybe we will see Eve interfere, or even a triple-threat match. Perhaps Eve will take Kaitlyn out of the picture beforehand.
After the spot that lead to Eve’s victory over Kaitlyn on Raw this past week perhaps the No. 1 contender is already out of the picture. Kaitlyn took to Twitter saying that she’d been hurt with Eve’s shot “right in the ovaries,” but later asserted that it will be her time at “Night of Kaitlyn.”
Sd__679_photo_052_crop_exact Eve steals the spotlight (Image courtesy of
It comes down to whether or not the WWE trusts the still relatively new diva to be featured in a pay-per-view title match.
On the other hand, when we’ve seen Snooki and Maria Menounos pick up WrestleMania victories over the last two years, giving a hard working full-timer a title shot at Night of Champions seems only fair.
Back in 2010 when Kaitlyn was prematurely thrust into NXT season three as a last-minute replacement her ring skills were extremely limited. Her infamous match with Maxine will remain one of the worst worked bouts of all time.
However two years later and Kaitlyn is easily the WWE’s most improved talent. Her matches with Natalya and Tamina on the revamped NXT season six are some of the best Divas matches the company has produced this year.
With both Layla and Kaitlyn as faces, and Eve still stealing the spotlight from them both, it should come as no surprise if some changes are made to the scheduled match.
Kaitlyn deserves the chance at the title, but even if she does get the match, expect it to be Eve who makes the biggest impact of the Divas at Night of Champions.