Taking advantage of Daniel Bryan and Kane's momentum in recent weeks, WWE has now put them into position to challenge R-Truth and Kofi Kingston at Night of Champions 2012 for the tag team titles.
WWE's newest odd couple defeated Titus O’Neil and Darren Young in their first match together.
After a number of weeks of hilarious anger management segments and the surprisingly entertaining in-ring hug, AJ paired Kane and Bryan. Their tension helped create depth to their match against The Prime Time Players and should do the same for future matches.
However long their union lasts, it should be a fun ride.
Putting these two great wrestlers with fantastic chemistry outside the ring is no surprise, but it was the right move, even if comes at the expense of The Prime Time Players.
O'Neil and Young apparently were not really the No. 1 contenders for the title despite winning a No. 1 contender's match. AJ informed them backstage that a mistake had been made.
They had to also defeat Kane and Bryan to earn their title shot.
The match opened with O'Neil and Kane trading blows. Bryan soon came in and put boot to chest.
Props to the Montreal crowd for throwing in a "Oui!" chant.
Most of the match had The Prime Time Players dominate Bryan, double-teaming him in their corner. O'Neil pounded Bryan viciously with forearms.
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Bryan had a few chances to tag out, but refused.
Kane had to force his way in, demolishing the competition before turning his attention to Bryan. He chokeslammed his new tag partner, but luckily it was right on top of Young.
A three-count later and Night of Champions just got a lot more interesting.
Kane and Bryan instantly give the tag match and tag division more star power with their inability to get along, providing an intriguing subplot.
Kingston and Truth have sputtered as champs. A lack of being booked as a team often enough is at least partly to blame.
The team of Kane and Bryan offers an exciting alternative. Having them go after the tag belts was the right move and a win for the fans. 
Note: In an unfortunate turn of events, commentator Jerry Lawler passed out at the announcer table during the match. Medical personnel tended to him and took him to a Montreal hospital.