Tuesday 4 September 2012

Triple H: Why the Future of WWE Looks Bright for Whenever The Game Takes Over

08:01 By Unknown

Hi-res-139070181_crop_exact Michael N. Todaro/Getty Images
WWE chairman Vince McMahon turned 67 years old a little over a week ago, and while it seems like Vinnie Mac still has plenty of good years left in him, many wrestling fans are concerned about how well things will be run when son-in-law Triple H takes the reins.
Triple H is currently the executive vice president of talent and live events, and he and wife Stephanie McMahon figure to be the ones in charge whenever Vince willingly, or naturally, hands over control of the company. Triple H has his fair share of detractors, but I believe that fans should be optimistic.
Perhaps Triple H doesn't have the business savvy of his father-in-law, but I'm sure Stephanie inherited much of that. Fans generally don't care about the business side of things anyway, though, as they simply want to see a good, entertaining product put forth.
It's impossible to say what Triple is or isn't responsible for from a creative standpoint, but I'm still confident in his abilities as an evaluator of talent. Love him or hate him, fans can't deny that Triple H is one of the most recognizable and accomplished superstars in WWE history. You can say that it is only because of his relationship with the boss' daughter, but Triple H worked hard to reach the pinnacle of the industry.

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Triple H knows what it takes to ascend to the top and he knows both what works and what doesn't in terms of story lines and angles. It's important not to forget that Triple H was a very prominent figure during what many consider to be the most fruitful time in professional wrestling, that being the Attitude Era.
It seems like PG programming is more Vince's brainchild than anything, so it wouldn't be a stretch to think that Triple H could go back to an edgier style once he is the head honcho. The Triple H character has always been a tough and violent one, and I have to believe that Triple H will favor that as far as the overall product goes.
Also, although nothing has been confirmed, there has been talk that Triple H is committed to rebuilding the tag team division. Tag team wrestling was a huge part of the WWE from the late 1980s through the Attitude Era, and while tag teams aren't going to headline pay-per-views, they certainly help make for a well-rounded card.
It may not seem like a big deal, but the WWE has definitely been putting forth more effort as far as the tag team division goes lately, as several teams are vying to become No. 1 contenders for Kofi Kingston and R-Truth's WWE Tag Team Championship. If Triple H is behind that, then I have to give him a lot of credit for trying to revitalize a very important aspect of wrestling over the years.
Obviously, there is no way of knowing for sure if Triple H will be able to handle Vince's job, but he is going to have so many people helping him that I doubt the transition will be that difficult. Triple H is always on site for live events and is constantly directing things backstage, so he already has a lot of experience in Vince's role as it is.
Say what you will about Triple H having an ego, but I'm not sure there is anyone in the business with a bigger ego than Vince, and he has managed to keep things up and running for a very long time. Triple H simply seems like a guy who loves the wrestling business, and I'm confident that he will do everything possible to keep the WWE product fresh and interesting when he ascends to the lead role.


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