Monday 10 September 2012

WWE Night of Champions 2012: Will Paul Heyman Interfere in the WWE Title Match?

22:42 By Unknown

Tumblr_m3p4v5w8jp1roubz0o1_1280_original_crop_exact Paul Heyman (Photo by WWE)
The end of Raw last week saw the return of Paul Heyman, but this time he was not helping out his buddy Brock Lesnar.
The WWE Champion CM Punk had just laid John Cena out when he got in the passenger seat of a car and drove off with Paul Heyman sticking his head out to show the world that he had aligned himself with Punk.
Now that Punk and Heyman apparently have some kind of partnership, it begs the question: will Paul Heyman somehow make his presence felt during the WWE title match?
CM Punk is defending his title against long-time rival John Cena in a match that could end up dictating which superstars will face The Rock in January at The Royal Rumble.
John Cena has worked hard to regain much of the fanbase he lost due to people being worn out by his character, and with this PPV happening in his hometown, he is banking on having the fans behind him.
It could end up that way now that CM Punk is fully heel, especially if WWE has him do anything between now and Night of Champions to get more heat.
So, John Cena is the perpetual baby face and CM Punk is the ruthless heel. Why is Paul Heyman in this equation?
Paul Heyman is the wild card because you never quite know what he is going to do, which is one of the reasons his character works so well with the pipe-bomb-dropping CM Punk.
Will Paul Heyman simply accompany Punk, sit in on commentary, show up in the crowd to distract Cena or maybe even bring Brock Lesnar in to help Punk keep his title?
You never know what you will get with Paul Heyman, but it is usually a safe bet that whatever it is he does, it will be entertaining and intriguing.
Can John Cena overcome the 10 month reign of CM Punk or will he fail to win the title in front of his hometown crowd?
We will have to wait and see at Night of Champions. What do you think Paul Heyman will do this Sunday at the PPV?


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